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First switch on the engines by the 'Power' button or by pressing the key 'R' on your keyboard.
You can steer the ROV with the arrow keys on your keyboard, as shown on the dashboard.
You can sink down or float up by pressing the keys 'W' and 'S'.
When you press the forward arrow button, the ROV will move forward but also will sink ant the same time. The easiest way to drive ahead, if you pitch the front only a little bit, and you move up at the same time (by pressing arrow forward and key 'W' at the same time, or as required).
Look for the blue glowing circles in the scene. There you should carry out maintenance operations with the ROV.
You can try the other functions on the dashboard, such as changing cameras or switch lights on/off to save battery power.
If you would like to return to the starting position, just press Reset Position button.
Please note that the online version of the simulator doesn't support fullscreen mode.
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